Studio and Heather Hill

Time to try and re-thread all the perianths I have that make up old 'boa' protea chain to make new ones in progress of work for new contemporaries. Also had the urge to seek out heather locally to take into studio and use for re:sustain exhibition at skillshare co-ordinated by Marybeth Quigley. (

Thick bushes in Newtyle.

Re:Sustain exhibition was about art made from recycled material. I had this jar/bottle, plants, old books and the board below.

Pulling off the flowers (hours with one full black bin bag).

Adding to bottle. I wasn't as inspired by the effect the flowers had once removed and was more drawn to how they appeared on the hills. This seems to be the case a lot this summer, forcing me to find different ways to work with plants I'm drawn to.

Flowers removed in bottom and branches above.

Tray of work depicting inspiration, photographs, collection, experimentation, painting and drawing.

Scottish thistle seeds and grass.

Newest section of protea perianth boa.

Thistle seeds.

Brightest polaroids.


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