Progress on Seed Blanket

 This week I got out and gathered 10 bags of field stalks with approx 20 stalks in each one. All the fields have grass in them this year. It will be interesting to see if they will be visible in the piece.

Studio has been pretty cold which hasn't helped dry out the flowers for the seeds to fluff out and parts to separate, so I've had to wrap up individual flower cores and place on heaters to speed up the process.

I made quick progress on the seed blanket which is slightly bigger this year. I've been counting while making the work, so I can quote an honest number of seeds etc that it took to make.

To cover a first layer of seeds for the blanket, it takes 3,515 seeds.

Collecting field stalks.

Frame and stretched fabric (2 layers) with seeds collected over a long period of time

 Filling in
 Seeds along stitching
 Base layer finished

 Reverse and holes in the pile of seeds

 New Protea flowers. Pink Ice.

Cut up forest grass (green) and dead grass originally (brown).


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