Dundee Botanic Garden

Exciting news this month. I have started an ongoing collaborative project with Dundee Botanic Garden. I'll be working within the garden several days a week (location of my presence noted each day!), with upcoming events involving visitors with my artwork.

This week, I've been familiarising myself with the garden and taking photographs, sketching, and having discussions with the staff who are very informative. The garden is quite large and incredibly beautiful, with different sections containing a variety of plants to draw you in and lead you into a new world which I found inspiring and relaxing. I'm looking forward to learning and exploring ideas from here to develop my sculptural work.

For now, here's a variety of photos which I have taken in the past two weeks!

(*Currently lack of plant names which are jotted down in my sketchbook, will update shortly*)

Part of the garden. Nice when you feel secluded.

Pond at entrance is beautiful.

This day was great, was really warm and there were wasps and bees over all the flowers.

Quite keen on seeds, shells, coatings etc

I love this plant. Since seeing it at the garden I've noticed it everywhere. There's a lot to it once you get close. More on it later...

Flowers from this same plant scattered in the grass below.

Great time of the year to watch plants sprout.

Into the greenhouse this day which I loved. Exotic plants including South African ones which I'm fond of.

Inedible banana plant

Shadows casting & fish!

The bottlebrush. Irresistible when you have a camera in your hands. 

Love these cacti 

Bird of Paradise flower with plenty of nectar


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