Responding to Nature Exhibition & Nature Bracelets

I currently have my work up in the gallery space at the University of Dundee Botanic Garden for showcasing, selling & as a space to create new work. Running from the 28th September until 25th October. I also met a group of school children on Monday, & we explored the garden together, looking for interesting plant debris to decorate their bands/bracelets with. I used duct tape to create rings, and encouraged them to find debris they deemed interesting/beautiful/soft etc & to stick it to their bands to create a nature bracelet. Some got very creative & hunted for certain things like feathers, pine cones and many started to question the type of plants they found and what part of the plant it was etc. This activity encouraged kids to look closely at the plants around them, resulting in an educational exercise as well as a creative one.


Gallery Exhibition


Activity with children

A selection of extra bands we made

One with feathers and pressed into soil

Good selection of colours here

These two opted for bird like bands 'for flying with' :)

 Love the bark on this one

 Group photo with our bands - teachers were lovely & the kids were very polite :)


Inside Glasshouses


Neil (Education officer at the garden) demonstrating carnivorous plants


Thanks for viewing.


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