Happy New Year!

A huge thank you to everyone who continues to support my artwork, it means a lot, a Happy New Year to you all! 
In 2015 I managed to get back to where I wanted to be in my art career. I found a new job that provides better hours and support, enabling me to focus on my practice, as well as meeting a bunch of lovely people in January through Fun A Day, who encouraged me to push for my goals. 

I found new creative outputs, and made a connection with University of Dundee Botanic Garden. This lead to arts & crafts classes with children, public events engaging visitors with art, a development in my photography, and future work there for summer 2016. 

This year, I am aiming to learn new skills, and delve into some new and exciting projects which will be new to me. I can't wait! To start it all off, I'm helping organise Fun A Day Dundee 2016, which is a creative project open to anyone and everyone that takes place all January. More info here.

To mark the New Year, here are some highlights from 2015...

Fun A Day 2015 






Photography at University of Dundee Botanic Garden


School Group Activities & Art at University of Dundee Botanic Garden


Plant Power Activity Day at University of Dundee Botanic Garden


Installation Experiments with herbs & various plants
at University of Dundee Botanic Garden


Photography - Newtyle


Exhibition at UODBG


Best 9 photos on Instagram this year!

& finally...

Very top frame with my photograph; Chlorine at Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh Open Exhibition (Nov 2015 - Feb 2016) 


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